In addition to this, there are some persons who can see to a
very great distance, while there are others, again, who can only
distinguish objects when brought quite close to them. The
vision of many stands in need of the rays of the sun; such
persons cannot see on a cloudy day, nor yet after the sun has
set. Others, again, have bad sight in the day-time, but a
sight superior to that of others by night. Of persons having
double pupils, or the evil eye, we have already spoken[1] at
sufficient length. Blue[2] eyes are the best for seeing in the
It is said that Tiberius Cæsar, like no other human being,
was so endowed by Nature, that on awaking in the night[3] he
could for a few moments distinguish objects just as well as
in the clearest daylight, but that by degrees he would find
his sight again enveloped in darkness. The late Emperor
Augustus had azure eyes like those of some horses, the white
being larger than with other men; he used to be very angry
if a person stared intently at them for this peculiarity. Claudius
Cæsar had at the corners of the eyes a white fleshy substance,
covered with veins, which would occasionally become suffused
with blood; with the Emperor Caius[4] they had a fixed, steady
gaze, while Nero could see nothing distinctly without winking, and having it brought close to his eyes. The Emperor
Caius had twenty pairs of gladiators in his training-school,
and of all these there were only two who did not wink the
eyes when a menacing gesture was made close to them: hence
it was that these men were invincible. So difficult a matter is
it for a man to keep his eyes from winking: indeed, to wink is
so natural to many, that they cannot desist from it; such persons we generally look upon as the most timid.
No persons have the eye all of one colour; that of the
middle of the eye is always different from the white which
surrounds it. In all animals there is no part in the whole
body that is a stronger exponent of the feelings, and in man
more especially, for it is from the expression of the eye that
we detect clemency, moderation, compassion, hatred, love,
sadness, and joy. From the eyes, too, the various characters
of persons are judged of, according as they are ferocious, me-
nacing, sparkling, sedate, leering, askance, downcast, or lan-
guishing. Beyond a doubt it is in the eyes that the mind has
its abode: sometimes the look is ardent, sometimes fixed and
steady, at other times the eyes are humid, and at others, again,
half closed. From these it is that the tears of pity flow, and
when we kiss them we seem to be touching the very soul. It
is the eyes that weep, and from them proceed those streams
that moisten our cheeks as they trickle down. And what is
this liquid that is always so ready and in such abundance in
our moments of grief; and where is it kept in reserve at other
times? It is by the aid of the mind that we see, by the aid
of the mind that we enjoy perception; while the eyes, like so
many vessels, as it were, receive its visual faculties and transmit them. Hence it is that profound thought renders a man
blind for the time, the powers of sight being withdrawn from
external objects and thrown inward: so, too, in epilepsy, the
mind is covered with darkness, while the eyes, though open,
are able to see nothing. In addition to this, it is the fact
that hares, as well as many human beings, can sleep with
the eyes open, a thing which the Greeks express by the term
xorubantia=|n. Nature has composed the eye of numerous membranes of remarkable thinness, covering them with a thick coat
to ensure their protection against heat and cold. This coat she
purifies from time to time by the lachrymal humours, and she
has made the surface lubricous and slippery, to protect the eye
against the effects of a sudden shock.